
The ultimate Fashion Blog

The Ultimate Fashion Blog

Trendy Tuesday

So it's Trendy Tuesday today as I like to call it. The term Trendy Tuesday started a few years ago while I was at university.

A group of friends and I decided to do something different with our Tuesdays and so we decided to take the time out to each select items of Fashion that we most love. Years on now, I spend my Trendy Tuesdays shopping the web - I love internet shopping!

So this Trendy Tuesday, I found this lovely lovely dress on and love love love it.

But  I consider myself a smart intelligent entrepreneurial 28 year old who likes to keep integrity sane, noth boring, but wait for is my question...

Is this dress age and character appropirate...I hope the answer is yes because I really like it but if it's not, I'll know why :)

The specificity of where I'll be wearing this to is yet to be know exactly.